Monday, June 29, 2009


Integrity #2Image by Nat20_Film via Flickr
As what Jack Welch wrote in his book ‘Winning’, ‘Integrity is just a ticket to the game. If you don’t have it in your bones. You shouldn’t be allowed in the field. You see Integrity is part and parcel of any leadership perspectives. The days of you do what I tell you to do, but you don’t do what I do is over. People don’t care how much you know, you high you may be positioned, how rich you maybe, but people do care about how much you care about them.
We may view Integrity to be a small matter. It’s my company. You do what I told you to do. But then again, people of principles and integrity may not blend in that well with the type of values that we a re having. Hence, the company tend to lose all of it’s valuable asset within the company, i.e., the right people, the right team player that every company needs to win in the business world.
Definition: Integrity is consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations and outcome. A value consists of an assumption from which one can extrapolate implementation or other values.
So how can a company thrive in their business with good people leaving because of dissatisfaction with one or more individual. The decision makers who doesn’t walk the talk. Saying one thing and doing another, without even realizing that they are the ones not following the values and principles, mission and vision of their own company? These tend to be prominent after a few seating with the Executive Director of the company. Preaching Corporate Culture of values and selling the idea of productivity company based on human capital, while the real action does not jive in with the preaching. Sometimes, when we are trying to show too hard to others that we are knowledgeable, we always end up the opposite.
Integrity involves the three R’s: Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.
Sometimes we expect people to respect us because of our position. Wrong! Respect can’t be forced onto anyone. For matter, respect have to be earned. By giving, you shall receive. Give respect in order to receive respect. Respect does not comes with position. It comes from the heart. I have seen people who wants to be respected but do not know how to respect others, just for the sake of the egotistical nature, carrying the position within the company. People couldn't care less, unless for the unfortunate who dare not take the risk of challenge in life. Some of us call these group of people, ‘Playing Safe’.
1.0- By all means, irregradless of whatever position we may have within any company, take care of our integrity. build integrity by giving respect to others.
2.0- Walk your talk. Make sure that we conform to everything that we speak. Especially the ones that we tend to sell aggressively. Action often lies louder than words.
3.0- Give more in order to receive. Make you sure you provide your people with the required directions, clear and concise and the assistance required of them to reach their goals.
4.0- Be a team player. Remember that no one person can get things done by him/herself alone.
5.0- Value your people and never underestimate the capabilities. Sometimes without realizing we tend to put up barriers and hurdles for our own people to achieve the company goals.
6.0- Communicate Expectations and listen to their expectations too. By doing so, we enlarge the critical performance factor within the company.
7.0- Be a simple and humble human beings. Lead without your Title. It delivers more results than you can ever imagine.
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Zainul, or commonly known as Tok Non among friends, is a Corporate trainer and a HR Consultant for various Governments, Multinationals,Corporate Organizations, Hotels and many more. Zainul is passionate about his training & development, sharing growth opportunities with others.