Sunday, June 28, 2009


Trust album cover
It is the most important and core element of success in any relationship. Be it personal or professional. It is important in every aspect of our lives. How can a company thrive when the trust of our employees keep on thinning day by day, just by our unrealized actions. The words we say, the instructions we give, the credibility (Integrity) that we portrays to our staff. It is the crucial element to lead others. People will only start to perform and do anything that you ask of them , when the trust element starts to build within them. Same as respect, trust has to be earned. You got to work for it. You have to show it. You have to give it in order to earn it.

Without TRUST, repsect won't exist. Communication cease to take place, people tend to avoid you, they talk behind and commitment dimish with time.

Why do TRUST diminish in our office then?
1. Thinking negatively about others ~ The moment you start to think and talk negatively about your own employees or staff within the workplace, it goes around. TRUST will diminish in time! It is better to talk to the person conern. Give advice and look for the positive side of the person to improve him.

2. Be sincere is when you are interacting ~ people can feel it.

3. Walk your talk. Deliver your promises. Many leaders, CEO's and Directors wants the spotlight and by laying down false dream and hoes is the very first step into failing your own organization.

4. Treat people equally. Do not push aside those people that you are favorable of. This creates more diverse group of people within your workplace. It destroys TEAMWORK. Remember, people have the tendency to compare, even our kids!

5. People are diverse. You have to understand that different people needs different way of intereacting or handling them.

6. Human are emotional creatures. Of ocurse, one have to remember that if we have feelings so does the other person sitting in fornt of you. Treat them with respect and every sense of human values.

7. Remember, negative thingking results in negative talking and eventually relaise through negative action. Be positive with your people. As Mark Twain wrote, there is nothing that a humanbeing can't do provided they are training enough. There a re 3 things that a great leader can do with his/her people, give them a dream to work on, if you can't, give them a hope to cling on, otherwise give them work to move them.

8. Eventually, in order for your to be trusted among your people in your workplace, TRUST them to do the task assigned to them. Be a person who enable rather than a person who destroy. When you degrade your people, you destory your company.
Next Write Up; Integrity

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Zainul, or commonly known as Tok Non among friends, is a Corporate trainer and a HR Consultant for various Governments, Multinationals,Corporate Organizations, Hotels and many more. Zainul is passionate about his training & development, sharing growth opportunities with others.