Career or work abuse which I would term as,'when one person or more manipulates another's creative ability to perform, solve problems and manage task and people etc, in the management and leading perspectives for their own ends.
Some of us, do not mind. Oh, I've seen it right in front of my eyes. How pitiful it can be, just for the sake of survival. Sometimes, when I tend to think of it, we're the ones that let's other people abuse us. No one to blame. Then, we start to cover our shame with reasons to justify for our non action, such as family, age and so for. Well, I say 'Shut Up' or move on.
That's what happens to me, after 3 months of work, I kick it down the trash bin. I have choices in my life, even at my age and I refuse t let others treat me like garbage.
I was asked whether I am able to do consultation for the company and I said 'Yes, of course'. Well, guess what I was engaged at that point onwards. However, I was asked to prepare the terms and conditions, the appointment letter, or what I term commonly as the agreement. Fine. I did it and emailed to the Board. I was asked to start work, and so I did, with very cold reception from the General Manager, which was later demoted to Head of HR / Admin. Just a puppet play, I guess.
Just to realize at then end of my probationary period, that the agreement letter was not signed, not even prepared.
When the extension period arrive, they asked me to start to attend meetings and start work, while the appointment letter can be prepared later.
Period..that's it. There is no professionalism in this Company and the Board loves people to bow down to them and you're right, love to abuse people. Sadistic Directors would be the right words to hang on the door..ehh!
Well, I was told to go down, see the people..make surveys and get feedbacks. Then again, I was told to just stay in the office and look into the HR systems and admin and rectify the systems. Just to my surprise, I was told again one month later as to why I'm only in the office and why I didn't go down to make surveys and evaluate the situations down at the grassroots, just to find out that problems and dissatisfactions starts to brew down there. And later, to be pulled back to the office to sort out a lot of administrative problems. That's Flip-flopping and abusive.
Consultants normally comes in about 4 hours, give or leave an assignment, advise, trouble shoot. Now because for the sake of good friend, I end up to work 3 days in a week for a full fledge hours of 8.00am - 5.00pm. Travel about 150 km per day without claims, and the best part of it is being lowest paid. Consultant being paid much lower than the managers pay in the company. Oh dear,that's sheer abuse of human professionalism.
1. Make sure you stay away from working with Friends
2. Ensure that everything you are about to embark on should be in black and white.
3. Friends and business does not mix, just like water and oil. So if you are into it, then make sure business comes first. Avoid the sentiments of 'we're good friends...' There's no such things.
4. always be ready to say NO. As they all keep on saying that sometimes 'No' is the best loving words in business.
5. Remember, people in business are always abusive and do not care. So care about what you're doing. Set your price with a take or leave it attitude.
6. Professionalism first. Always remember, documentations first, then work.
Next Issue: Do Not Divide From The Inside !
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